My world did stop turning when he broke his neck, but it didn't happen the day of. My world stopped the day following the accident. See on the day of we didn't have much to go off of, I knew he had been in an accident. They told me he was going to go into surgery, and that they were happy he was talking. His friends told me not to fly down yet, because really no one thought it would be this.
The day of the accident was still one of the most bizarre days of my life. I was continuing my 21st birthday celebration and having a great time when I received the call. The moments following that were moments of calmness, moments where I tried to find out all the details before it broke down. I truly believe you can learn so much about a person by watching the way they handle a tragedy. Are they resourceful out a giant puddle of tears, well in those beginning moments I tried very hard to be resourceful. As the night continued I was blessed enough to have a best friend who drove all the way out to the west side of Albuquerque to take me home. That's when I became I giant puddle of tears. I cried more with her that night than I ever truly thought was possible. Now let's stop there, the rest of that night was a hot mess. However one moment out of that entire night that I will never let go of is when Kaleb called me. He sounded so very scared and helpless, and yet all he wanted was to apologize and tell me how sorry he was. Our prayers for Kaleb's healing started right then and there, prayers for strength and healing. Those same prayers have not stopped.
The next day was when the shock wore off. This day was a day where I knew I needed to get to New Orleans and I needed to get there fast. It was a day of tears on tears on more tears.
It was also a day filled with false hope, I actual just read some of the tweets I had tweeted that day. One said Kaleb could feel his feet, the other said Kaleb could move his toes; neither of these were true.
This day was filled with packing, which I quickly realized once I arrived in New Orleans that I did a horrible job at it. It was a day of being the crazy lady crying in the Dallas/love airport. It was a day of being picked up by his roommate, who became one of my dearest friends, and crying like a baby to him. It was a day of not eating or sleeping. It was the first day of many longer days.